Celebrations Are Cause for Great Joy…
When celebrations come to mind, we usually think about enjoying ourselves with the people we love. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, victories, promotions, awards and even special milestones akin to sobriety. However, we also commemorate solemn events, such as the anniversary of a loved one’s death. What makes our celebrations unique is that we take time out of our busy schedules to observe something or someone extraordinary, and the end result should be joy, the joy that comes from full and grateful hearts.
Friends, it’s good to remember that God gives us the ultimate reason to celebrate because His massive love has rescued us from the consequences of sin through Jesus Christ. But when is the last time that we allowed such celebratory news to be our joy?
Psalm 98:4-6 affirms that celebrations are indeed cause for great joy...
“Shout to the Lord, all the earth! Break out in praise and sing for joy! Make a joyful symphony before the Lord.”
Scripture is reminding us that we should be celebrating God during all of our wonderfully momentous occasions because doing so acknowledges our proper place in the order of things. We concede that it is God from Whom all blessings flow. It has nothing to do with us or our best efforts.
It is worthy then that...
As God leads, protects and provides for us, we celebrate Him!
As God helps us to grow into whole, healthy and accomplished people, we celebrate Him!
So, the next time we celebrate the new baby, the new home, the new job or the new day, let our first priority be rejoicing with thanksgiving and deep gratitude for our awesome God. Otherwise, it’s empty partying! When our celebrations stand foremost for the goodness of God, then the joy of them will surely endure long after the festivities are over.