6 Expert Tips to Becoming Morning Exercisers…
Last week we discovered that the initial step toward becoming consistent morning exercisers involves our answering the all-important question...
Do we want to get well?
Our response to this question really matters because it determines how hard we are willing to work on behalf of our health and fitness.
Now it’s time to learn 6 helpful tips for establishing a morning exercise routine...
* We Schedule It!
We rarely miss our appointments with doctors, dentists, hairdressers and manicurists. We must also make our exercise sessions something that we cannot afford to skip. On our iPhones or on our wall calendars, let’s plan our morning workout sessions for the week. I do this each Sunday. And remember; if we write it down, we are 42% more likely to achieve it!
* We Ease into It!
To establish the habit of morning exercise, less is more! It is wise to set up incremental weekly “move-ups” of our “wake-ups.” If our typical wake-up time, for example, is 7:00am, we can move that up 15 minutes per week. Then we can progress to 30 minutes per week, continuing this cycle until we achieve our desired wake-up time. This means that we don’t focus on long workouts to start. Beginning with 15-20 minute workouts is fine. The goal is to get accustomed to waking up earlier to the practice of exercise.
* We Prepare the Night Before!
Having our workout attire, sneakers, water bottles and equipment ready and waiting makes it easier and far more time efficient to get the job done in the morning. I even sleep in my workout clothes occasionally!
* We Find a Buddy if Possible!
Fitness and fellowship are the perfect combination for accountability, fun and commitment! Having a friend or a trainer to companion with us enhances our enjoyment and our compliance. This consistency also improves our fitness results!
* We Look Forward to Breakfast!
The golden window for post-workout nutrition is 30-60 minutes after we finish exercising, so breakfast should be a priority for which we schedule adequate time. Protein, produce and complex carbohydrates are best. How about looking forward to a blended smoothie with protein powder and frozen organic berries? What about a parfait with yogurt, low-fat granola and fresh fruit?
* We Do It Again Tomorrow!
To make morning exercise a routine, we must expose ourselves to it regularly. When we do, we will learn that we NEVER regret a good workout! It is the healthiest way to start what becomes the best day because one good choice always leads to another. Exercise changes how we think, how we feel and how we behave. Exercise is indeed a privilege, not an obligation. Let’s remember this and do it again tomorrow when our alarms signal a new day. We can be morning exercisers!